Wednesday, July 25, 2018

3 Tips for Advancing Your Career as a Woman

​3 Tips for Advancing Your Career as a Woman

Nowadays, a candidate's acceptance of a new employment position is likely preceded by a quick company Google search or a scouring of previous employees' Glassdoor reviews. As a female entering any industry, let alone one dominated by men, as most industries still are -- you should make sure that your first step toward achieving success as a female professional is to closely vet the company you're thinking of joining.

Sometimes, all that involves is a bit of research: What benefits does the company offer? Does it have a good maternity leave policy? What about mentorship programs? How many female leaders hold management positions? These are crucial questions; and if the answers are lacking, they're information points you'll need to flag before you accept a job -- even making them part of the interview or early research process...


by Idham Azhari

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