Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Want Your App to Fail? If You Ignore These 3 Keys to Testing, Failure Is a Safe Bet.

Want Your App to Fail? If You Ignore These 3 Keys to Testing, Failure Is a Safe Bet.

All startup founders know that testing is important -- or do they? An October 2017 TestPlant study reported that 40 percent of the 750 developers surveyed admitted not testing their software because they felt so pressured to release it as early as possible.

What's behind this disconnect? Unfortunately, it's part of a startup culture for app developers, particularly first-timers who feel a sense of urgency to rush their apps to market. But this quick launch can lead to failure.

With a swell of apps regularly being released and updated, it's normal to feel that you're losing ground with every day you don't have your platform customer-facing. But in fact you have only one chance at a first impression, and that is particularly applicable to this highly competitive field.


by Idham Azhari


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