Monday, April 2, 2018

Stop Thinking Killer App and Start Thinking Killer Experience

Stop Thinking Killer App and Start Thinking Killer Experience

David Polinchock has worked in the virtual reality (VR) and experiential advertising space since the 1990s, and he's seen the good, the bad and the ugly for using VR and augmented reality (AR) to create marketing events and experiences. At the Propelify 2017 Innovation Festival, he gave a talk about three big ways technologists, marketers and companies need to improve their use of VR and AR to create amazing experiences in the future.

1. Include elements of the real world to create a more engaging VR experience.

"How many times have you seen a VR setup that includes a table, a chair and a head seat?" Polinchock asked. "Where's the sense of falling into the story?" Instead of just focusing on the tech, Polinchock wants companies to use real-world elements in their VR setups to enhance the total experience. Polinchock offered up a few creative, low-budget ways companies could incorporate physical elements of the real world into a user's VR experience. For example: ..


by Idham Azhari


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