Thursday, August 2, 2018

Why Authenticity Is the Key Ingredient for Career Success

Why Authenticity Is the Key Ingredient for Career Success

Leaving the world of finance to pursue an entrepreneurial path was a pivotal, exciting and scary moment in my life. Finance was mostly what I knew; however, while working as a finance professional, I felt that something was missing. There is no doubt that crunching numbers, analyzing financial statements and developing financial models honed my quantitative skillset, but over time, these key aspects of my role became monotonous. Moreover, while finance was monetarily rewarding, it was not personally rewarding -- was I really impacting people's lives? As I did some soul searching, I realized that working in finance wasn't enabling me to tap into my creative side and directly help others, which were both authentic aspects of who I am. Therefore, I knew that something had to change...


by Idham Azhari

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