Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Will Quantum Computing Break the Internet?

Will Quantum Computing Break the Internet?

"What could cause a digital Armageddon?" That is a popular question to pose to information and cyber security professionals, and when asked, I don't hesitate: Quantum computing.

While the principles of quantum computing are certainly complex, at a high level, the risk from quantum computing can be understood fairly quickly. Unlike a digital computer bit, which can only be a zero or one, a quantum bit, or qubit, can be a zero, one, and everything in between – all at the same time. For those who are not quantum physicists, this can be mind-blowing, but the result is that a quantum computer can offer such a huge speed-up to solving certain problems, that some problems previously thought to be nearly impossible to solve may soon be solved.

For instance, it isn't a question of if, but when, today's cryptography that protects the Internet will be broken. Some experts have said that this is likely to occur in the next 3-7 years – it's just a matter of having enough qubits, and it will likely take 100 to 300 qubits to fuel a quantum computer powerful enough to do this. Working quantum computers with fewer qubits already have been developed...


by Idham Azhari


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