Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Five Mistakes to Avoid When Deploying Emerging Technology

Five Mistakes to Avoid When Deploying Emerging Technology

When I finished my proof-of-concept presentation to the CIO of a prospective client at a recent meeting, he was more than surprised – he was upset. He almost yelled at me: "How did you do it?"

For my demo, my client had to complete a paper application form used by his company's sales force. He needed to do this by hand, as would any customer, but using a digital pen equipped not only with an ordinary ink cartridge, but also with a micro-camera that captured each trace of the pen on the paper. When he had finished the application, he checked one box at the end of it that read "Transmit." While explaining the features of the digital pen, I opened my laptop and remotely connected to our demo server. From there, just a few seconds after he had completed the application, I could show to him not only a high-quality scan of the completed application, but also all the data already translated into usable fields: numbers, dates, addresses, ready for ERP integration. He stood up in astonishment and asked: "How did you do it? How??"

This appears to be a nice example of a presentation that went so well that I took my audience completely by surprise with an emerging, unexpectedly beautiful technology. But the truth is, less than two years after launching our work with digital writing, we had to completely write off two years of work and investment put in an offering that appeared to be "The Next Big Thing."

Talking about our digital transformation successes is always nice, but I would like to share these five innovation facts that, from my experience, should be understood to avoid failing in this era where all of us are at the brink of launching The Next Big Thing, whether on top of blockchain or IoT or AI or machine learning technologies...


by Idham Azhari


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