Wednesday, September 12, 2018

How AI can Diversify Human Thinking Rather Than Replace It

How AI can Diversify Human Thinking Rather Than Replace It

There is no shortage of debate when it comes to the use of artificial intelligence in the workplace. Some believe the technology will cost them their jobs, while others worry about security. A growing body of research, however, points to the narrative that intelligence will only diversify human thinking, not replace it.

A recent study by Tata Communications, which was based on the inputs of 120 business leaders from across the world, says nine in 10 respondents agree that cognitive diversity is important for management and 93% believe AI will enhance decision making.

Automation is Key

What's more, three in four business leaders expect AI to produce new positions for their workers. This is in sync with a December report by Gartner that said by 2020, AI will create more jobs than it eliminates.

"Using AI to auto-generate a weekly status report or pick the top five emails in your inbox doesn't have the same wow factor as, say, curing a disease would, which is why these near-term, practical uses go unnoticed," Craig Roth, research vice president at Gartner, had said in the report. "Companies are just beginning to seize the opportunity to improve non-routine work through AI by applying it to general-purpose tools. Once knowledge workers incorporate AI into their work processes as a virtual secretary or intern, robo-employees will become a competitive necessity."...


by Idham Azhari

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