Friday, January 25, 2019

The AI market is growing, but how quickly is tough to pin down

If you work in tech, you've heard about artificial intelligence: how it's going to replace uswhether it's over-hyped or not and which nations will leverage it to prevent, or instigate, war.

Our editorial bent is more clear-cut: How much money is going into startups? Who is putting that money in? And what trends can we suss out about the health of the market over time?

So let's talk about the state of AI startups and how much capital is being raised. Here's what I can tell you: funding totals for AI startups are growing year-over-year; I just don't know precisely how quickly. Regardless, startups are certainly raising massive sums of money off the buzzword.

To make that point, here are just a few of the biggest rounds announced and recorded by Crunchbase in 2018:....


by Idham Azhari


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