Wednesday, November 15, 2006

IT Conference in Bangkok - Thailand

I was in Bangkok - Thailand (2000), to participate the IT Conference which is held once a year at each
country under ASOM (Asia-Oceania
Matsushita Group).

Every year the conference is held
in different country, like Singapore,
Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philipines, etc. but usually
in Singapore.

At the time I was employed at PT
Panasonic Shikoku Electronics Indonesia (PSECI), assigned by my
boss (Nishiyama-san) to attend this conference, actually
he cannot speak english very well.....lucky me... :).......

IT is an emerging business in years ahead. Attend the IT conference/seminars as much as you can. You can prepare your IT knowledge from now on. And don't forget to learn english more.

-Muhammad Idham Azhari-

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