Wednesday, November 29, 2006

"Kampai" (Farewell Party) in Japan

This is a farewell party (usually mentioned as "kampai").
one of Panasonic Shikoku Japan
employee was assigned to work
in Panasonic Shikoku Indonesia.
This party is held at Saijo-Japan.

At that time, I was involved in SCM Team (Supply Chain Management).

-Muhammad Idham Azhari-

In the Soekarno-Hatta airport

We were in the Soekarno-Hatta
airport. Our destination was
Jogjakarta, to go to Purdi Chandra's
house, one of the successfull businessman
in Indonesia.
At that time, I was involved in Enterpreneur University and Jakarta Entrepreneur Club.
We need a business mentor before building businesses.

-Muhammad Idham Azhari-

Monday, November 20, 2006

INVESTASI & KEUANGAN: Investasi Setelah Tingkat Bunga dan Inflasi Naik

20 November 2005


Sebelum lebaran tiba, kita dikejutkan oleh tingginya angka inflasi-tertinggi dalam 40 tahun terakhir-yang dikeluarkan Badan Pusat Statistik. Ancungan jempol pun muncul ketika pengambil kebijakan berpikir mengenai kebijakan lanjutan menyikapi tingginya angka inflasi itu.


Quoted by Muhammad Idham Azhari from Kompas

Seminar Saham & Options

I was in the seminar of Stock Derivative (Options)
in Le-Meridien Hotel, Jakarta. It took two days to
complete this seminar.
The lectures: Redwin Sitindjak MBA & Budi Liman.
They are the experienced investor in Stock Derivative
in US Market.
Some participants became a lecture after this seminar,
they are Peter Sufandri and Darwin Budiman.
You have to try this investment!!!.....making more or less
10% gain/return per month......wonderful to
the "Deposito Dolar" in Jakarta...only 4% in one year!!!!.... have to remember this wise word..."high risk high
return".......It's up to you!!!.....

-Muhammad Idham Azhari-

IT SOX Seminar

IT-SOX Seminar in PT Panasonic Manufacturing Indonesia.
IT-SOX is a US Standard for IT Auditing Process.

Auditing process is needed in every companies in order to check the validity of business process. When a company already established, auditing is a must process to do in order to achieve a good business continuity.

-Muhammad Idham Azhari-

Network Conference

I was in the Network Conference, held at
PT Panasonic Manufacturing Indonesia.
The participants : Indonesia Matsushita Group
and Panasonic Asia (Network Center in Asia
I learned many IT fields, such as Computer Network, IT Security, EDI (Electronics Data Interchange), IT-SOX, and more......
In order to build our skill fast is to attend the IT conference / IT seminar as much as you can. It's required to establish the IT business.

-Muhammad Idham Azhari-

Vacation to West Sumatra

In the background is Kerinci Mount, located in Jambi, Sumatra-Indonesia.

Ohhh......I love travelling very much.....and to find the business oppurtunity.....

Actually, my destination was the Uba Beach (located at Ujung Tanjung, Indrapura - West Sumatra).

At the journey to the beach, I found "Kelapa Sawit" farm everywhere. "Kelapa Sawit" business is a promising business at the years ahead.

-Muhammad Idham Azhari-

Borneo University Project

We were in Tarakan - Kaltim to
approach Walikota Tarakan in order to
perform the Project in Borneo University.

The project its self was to construct the computer
network on library of Borneo University & to build the e-library/cyber library application.

At the time I worked at PT idCOM Komputanet
(IT Solution Company), 2006~2007.

Again, IT business is everywhere. Soon, all companies will use the IT system to support their daily activities.
Prepare your skill with face the competition in the world.

-Muhammad Idham Azhari-

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

IT Conference in Bangkok - Thailand

I was in Bangkok - Thailand (2000), to participate the IT Conference which is held once a year at each
country under ASOM (Asia-Oceania
Matsushita Group).

Every year the conference is held
in different country, like Singapore,
Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philipines, etc. but usually
in Singapore.

At the time I was employed at PT
Panasonic Shikoku Electronics Indonesia (PSECI), assigned by my
boss (Nishiyama-san) to attend this conference, actually
he cannot speak english very well.....lucky me... :).......

IT is an emerging business in years ahead. Attend the IT conference/seminars as much as you can. You can prepare your IT knowledge from now on. And don't forget to learn english more.

-Muhammad Idham Azhari-

In Japan

I was in Japan. It was in January
Skiing with my working-mate,
Shinmyo San.
The name of skiing place is
Kuma Skiing Place, located
at Matsuyama - Japan.
.....working & making a fun
in Japan...... :)
At that time, I involved in SCM Team (Supply Chain Management) in Panasonic Saijo-Japan. I learned about the connection between customer and supplier through the SCM application.

-Muhammad Idham Azhari-