Friday, December 8, 2006

Pengertian Dan Ruang Lingkup Manajemen Strategik

Definisi Manajemen Strategis
  • Menurut Fred R. David (2004 : 5): Manajemen strategus adalah ilmu mengenai perumusan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi keputusan-keputusan lintas fungsi yang memungkinkan organisasi mencapai tujuannya.
  • Menurut Husein Umar (1999 : 86): Manajemen strategis sebagai suatu seni dan ilmu dalam hal pembuatan (formulating), penerapan (implementing) dan evaluasi (evaluating) keputusan-keputusan strategis antara fungsi yang memungkinkan sebuah organisasi mencapai tujuannya di masa datang.
  • Menurut Lawrence R. Jauch dan Wiliam F. Gluech (Manajemen Strategis dan Kebijakan Perusahaan, 1998): Manajemen Strategis adalah sejumlah keputusan dan tindakan yang mengarah pada penyusunan suatu strategi atau sejumlah strategi yang efektif untuk membantu mencapai sasaran perusahaan.
  • Wheelan dan Hunger (Strategic Management and Business Policy, Massachuset, 1995): Manajemen strategis adalah suatu kesatuan rangkaian keputusan dan tindakan yang menentukan kinerja perusahaan dalam jangka panjang. Tercakup di dalamnya mengenali dan menganalisa strategi dan melakukan evaluasi berikut penngendalian.
  1. Manajemen strategi diwujudkan dalam bentuk perencanaan berskala besar mencakup seluruh komponen dilingkungan sebuah organisasi yang dituangkan dalam bentuk rencana strategis (Renstra) yang dijabarkan menjadi perencanaan operasional, yang kemudian dijabarkan pula dalam bentuk program kerja dan proyek tahunan.
  2. Restra berorientasi pada jangkauan masa depan.
  3. Visi, misi, pemilihan strategi yang menghasilkan strategi induk, dan tujuan strategi organisasi untuk jangka panjang merupakan acuan dalam merumuskan rencana strategi, namun dalam teknik penempatannya sebagai keputusan manajemen puncak secara tertulis semua acuan tersebut terdapat didalammnya.
  4. Renstra dijabarkan menjadi rencana operasional yang antara lain berisi program-program operasional termasuk proyek-proyek, dengan sasaran jangka sedang masing-masing juga sebagai keputusan manajemen puncak.
  5. Penetapan renstra dan rencana operasi harus melibatkan manajemen puncak karena sifatnya sangat mendasar/prinsipil dalam pelaksanaan seluruh misi organisasi, untuk mewujudkan, mempertahankan dan mengembangkan eksistensi jangka sedang termasuk panjangnya.
  6. Pengimplementasian strategi dalam program-program termasuk proyek-proyek untuk mencapai sasarannya masing-masing dilakukan melalui fungsi-fungsi manajemen lainnya yang mencakup pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan, penganggaran dan kontrol.

Dimensi Manajemen Strategi

  1. Dimensi waktu dan orientasi masa depan
  2. Dimensi Internal dan Eksternal
  3. Dimensi Pendayagunaan Sumber-Sumber
  4. Dimensi Keikutsertaan Manajemen Puncak
  5. Dimensi Multi Bidang

Terminologi Terkait

  • Manajemen strategi adalah suatu proses pengambilan keputusan dan tindakan yang mengarah kepada pengembangan strategi yang efektif atau yang membantu perusahaan mencapai tujuannya.
  • Kebijakan perusahaan. Kebijakan umum perusahaan yang melihat ke dalam (inward looking) untuk mengintegrasikan aktivitas dan fungsi perusahaan secara tepat.
  • Keputusan strategi. Keputusan ini berkaitan dengan definisi bisnis, produk dan pasar yang akan dilayani, fungsi yang akan dilaksanakan, dan kebijakan utama.
  • Kebijakan adalah rumusan yang disiapkan dan berfungsi sebagai pedoman internal organisasi untuk bertindak.

Sumber: Dosen Gunadarma, DR. MOHAMMAD ABDUL MUKHYI, SE., MM.

- Muhammad Idham Azhari

Monday, December 4, 2006

With Aa Gym

PT Panasonic Shikoku Electronics Indonesia invited
Aa Gym to give lectures in our mosque.
Working (IQ & EQ) have to be paralled with listening to the spritual lectures (SQ)

-Muhammad Idham Azhari-

Saturday, December 2, 2006

ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming)

Si WIKI mau bicara dulu perihal ABAP, bahasa pemrograman yang ada di dalam Sistem SAP.

ABAP (Advanced Business Applications Programming, originally Allgemeiner Berichts-Aufbereitungs-Prozessor, German for "general report creation processor") is a high-level programming language created by the German software company SAP. The syntax of ABAP is somewhat similar to COBOL.

ABAP is one of the many application-specific fourth-generation languages (4GLs) first developed in the 1980s. It was originally the report language for SAP R/2, a platform that enabled large corporations to build mainframe business applications for material management and financial and management accounting.

ABAP was one of the first languages to include the concept of Logical Databases (LDBs), which provides a high level of abstraction from the basic database level(s).

The ABAP languange was originally used by developers to develop the SAP R/3 paltform. It was also intended to be used by SAP customers to enhance SAP applications - customers can develop custom reports and interfaces with ABAP programming.

The language is fairly easy to learn for programmers but it is not a tool for direct use by non-programmers. Knowledge of relational database design and preferably also of object-oriented concepts is necessary to create ABAP programs.

ABAP remains as the language for creating programs for the client-server R/3 system, which SAP first released in 1992. As computer hardware evolved through the 1990s, more and more of SAP's applications and systems were written in ABAP. By 2001, all but the most basic functions were written in ABAP. In 1999, SAP released an object-oriented extension to ABAP called ABAP Objects, along with R/3 release 4.6.

-Muhammad Idham Azhari-

Friday, December 1, 2006


Berikut petikan kalimat dari Si WIKI perihal SAP R/3.

SAP R/3 is the former name of the enterprise resource planning software produced by SAP AG. It is an enterprise-wide information system designed to coordinate all the resources, information, and activities needed to complete business processes such as order fulfillment or billing.

The first version of SAP's flagship enterprise software was a financial accounting system named R/1 called as NTR. This was replaced by R/2 at the end of the 1970's.

SAP R/2 was in a mainframe based business application software suite that was very successful in the 1980s and early 1990s. It was particularly popular with large multinational european companies who required soft-real-time business applications, with multi-currency and multi-language capabilities built in.

With the advent of distributed client-server computing SAP AG brought out a client-server version of the software called SAP R/3 (The "R" was for "Real-time data processing" and 3 was for 3-tier). This new architecture is compatible with multiple platforms and operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows or UNIX. This opened up SAP to a whole new customer base.

-Muhammad Idham Azhari-

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

"Kampai" (Farewell Party) in Japan

This is a farewell party (usually mentioned as "kampai").
one of Panasonic Shikoku Japan
employee was assigned to work
in Panasonic Shikoku Indonesia.
This party is held at Saijo-Japan.

At that time, I was involved in SCM Team (Supply Chain Management).

-Muhammad Idham Azhari-

In the Soekarno-Hatta airport

We were in the Soekarno-Hatta
airport. Our destination was
Jogjakarta, to go to Purdi Chandra's
house, one of the successfull businessman
in Indonesia.
At that time, I was involved in Enterpreneur University and Jakarta Entrepreneur Club.
We need a business mentor before building businesses.

-Muhammad Idham Azhari-

Monday, November 20, 2006

INVESTASI & KEUANGAN: Investasi Setelah Tingkat Bunga dan Inflasi Naik

20 November 2005


Sebelum lebaran tiba, kita dikejutkan oleh tingginya angka inflasi-tertinggi dalam 40 tahun terakhir-yang dikeluarkan Badan Pusat Statistik. Ancungan jempol pun muncul ketika pengambil kebijakan berpikir mengenai kebijakan lanjutan menyikapi tingginya angka inflasi itu.


Quoted by Muhammad Idham Azhari from Kompas

Seminar Saham & Options

I was in the seminar of Stock Derivative (Options)
in Le-Meridien Hotel, Jakarta. It took two days to
complete this seminar.
The lectures: Redwin Sitindjak MBA & Budi Liman.
They are the experienced investor in Stock Derivative
in US Market.
Some participants became a lecture after this seminar,
they are Peter Sufandri and Darwin Budiman.
You have to try this investment!!!.....making more or less
10% gain/return per month......wonderful to
the "Deposito Dolar" in Jakarta...only 4% in one year!!!!.... have to remember this wise word..."high risk high
return".......It's up to you!!!.....

-Muhammad Idham Azhari-

IT SOX Seminar

IT-SOX Seminar in PT Panasonic Manufacturing Indonesia.
IT-SOX is a US Standard for IT Auditing Process.

Auditing process is needed in every companies in order to check the validity of business process. When a company already established, auditing is a must process to do in order to achieve a good business continuity.

-Muhammad Idham Azhari-

Network Conference

I was in the Network Conference, held at
PT Panasonic Manufacturing Indonesia.
The participants : Indonesia Matsushita Group
and Panasonic Asia (Network Center in Asia
I learned many IT fields, such as Computer Network, IT Security, EDI (Electronics Data Interchange), IT-SOX, and more......
In order to build our skill fast is to attend the IT conference / IT seminar as much as you can. It's required to establish the IT business.

-Muhammad Idham Azhari-

Vacation to West Sumatra

In the background is Kerinci Mount, located in Jambi, Sumatra-Indonesia.

Ohhh......I love travelling very much.....and to find the business oppurtunity.....

Actually, my destination was the Uba Beach (located at Ujung Tanjung, Indrapura - West Sumatra).

At the journey to the beach, I found "Kelapa Sawit" farm everywhere. "Kelapa Sawit" business is a promising business at the years ahead.

-Muhammad Idham Azhari-

Borneo University Project

We were in Tarakan - Kaltim to
approach Walikota Tarakan in order to
perform the Project in Borneo University.

The project its self was to construct the computer
network on library of Borneo University & to build the e-library/cyber library application.

At the time I worked at PT idCOM Komputanet
(IT Solution Company), 2006~2007.

Again, IT business is everywhere. Soon, all companies will use the IT system to support their daily activities.
Prepare your skill with face the competition in the world.

-Muhammad Idham Azhari-

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

IT Conference in Bangkok - Thailand

I was in Bangkok - Thailand (2000), to participate the IT Conference which is held once a year at each
country under ASOM (Asia-Oceania
Matsushita Group).

Every year the conference is held
in different country, like Singapore,
Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philipines, etc. but usually
in Singapore.

At the time I was employed at PT
Panasonic Shikoku Electronics Indonesia (PSECI), assigned by my
boss (Nishiyama-san) to attend this conference, actually
he cannot speak english very well.....lucky me... :).......

IT is an emerging business in years ahead. Attend the IT conference/seminars as much as you can. You can prepare your IT knowledge from now on. And don't forget to learn english more.

-Muhammad Idham Azhari-

In Japan

I was in Japan. It was in January
Skiing with my working-mate,
Shinmyo San.
The name of skiing place is
Kuma Skiing Place, located
at Matsuyama - Japan.
.....working & making a fun
in Japan...... :)
At that time, I involved in SCM Team (Supply Chain Management) in Panasonic Saijo-Japan. I learned about the connection between customer and supplier through the SCM application.

-Muhammad Idham Azhari-