Tuesday, January 9, 2018

6 useful skills every employer will be looking for on résumés in 2018

6 useful skills every employer will be looking for on résumés in 2018

Alongside common New Year's resolutions like fitness and wellness goals, professional development is probably one area of your life you're looking to improve in 2018.

Even if you're not currently looking for a job, it's always a good idea to keep your résuméupdated and make sure you don't fall behind on the always-evolving skill sets needed in your industry. 

You don't need degrees in these highly-demanded skills. Instead, you can go to an e-learning site to find hundreds of courses that will let you learn everything you need to know, on your own time.

Now's a better time than ever to learn that program or technology you've been hearing everyone talk about this year, because online-learning platforms like Udemy and GoSkills are currently slashing prices on courses that normally cost hundreds of dollars...


by Idham Azhari


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