Friday, November 20, 2020

The Power of FOCUS bersama Kak Seto & Pak James

Pada tanggal 19 Nopember 2020, bertempat di Kediaman Kak Seto, kami bertiga, Kak Seto, Pak James dan saya pribadi, Idham Azhari membahas The Power of FOCUS.

Pembicaraan berkisar pada bagaimana suatu pekerjaan/aktivitas dapat diselesaikan dalam timeframe yang sudah dibuat, goal setting yang sudah dibuat dst.

Poin penting nya adalah bagaimana Kita dapat fokus pada goal yang sudah dibuat, harus "tegas" & "tega"!

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

#pbQuotes: Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time

#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

#pbQuotes: We can't help everyone but everyone can help someone

#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

#pbQuotes: The first wealth is health

#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

#pbQuotes: The secret of getting ahead is getting started

#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

#pbQuotes: The starting point of all achievement is desire

#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

#pbQuotes: Change your thoughts and you can change your world

#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

#pbQuotes: Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen

#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

#pbQuotes: When trouble comes, it's your family that supports you

#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari


Terkabulnya Do'a kepada ALLAH SWT bergantung prasangka Pemohon Do'a. Prasangka yang "buruk" akan berdampak ke hasil Do'a yang dikabulkan ALLAH SWT.

Kita harus yakin dan berprasangka baik bahwa Do'a Kita akan terkabul dan tentunya hanya berdo'a ke ALLAH SWT yang MAHA PENGASIH.

The Power of ATTRACTION berlaku ketika Kita memanjatkan Do'a, Alam Semesta bergema dengan indahnya dan atas ketetapan ALLAH SWT, do'a dengan prasangka baik menghasilkan yang baik pula, sesuai keinginan Kita.

Amal Baik yang disukai ALLAH SWT menyertai DOA MUSTAJAB!

#pbQuotes: The wish for healing has always been half of health

#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

#pbQuotes: Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it

#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

#pbQuotes: Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise

#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

#pbQuotes: You must do the things you think you cannot do

#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

Monday, November 16, 2020

#pbQuotes: We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us

#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

#pbQuotes: The best preparation for tommorow is doing your best today

#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

#pbQuotes: Family is the most important thing is the world

#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

#pbQuotes: Health is not valued till sickness comes

#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

#pbQuotes: A problem well stated is a problem half-solved

#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

#pbQuotes: I can't change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destiantion

#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

#pbQuotes: If you can dream it you can do it

#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

#pbQuotes: Fun is like life insurance, the older you get the more it costs

#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

#pbQuotes: Coming together is beginning keeping together is progress working together is success

#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

Think of an economy where people could be an artist or a photographer or a writer without worrying about keeping their day job in order to have health insurance

#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

#pbQuotes: Create your own visual style, let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable for others

#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

#pbQuotes: Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts

#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

#pbQuotes: It is our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light

#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

#pbQuotes: Having insurance doesn't guarantee good health outcomes, but it is a critical factor

#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari


Semua Orang pasti tahu & sadar, ketika berdo'a akan mendapatkan ganjaran balik (The Power of Attraction).

Berdo'a untuk semua orang pada pengucapan do'a awal merupakan cara terbaik untuk mengharapkan vibrasi sejumlah orang yang dido'a kan.

Umat Islam pada khususnya pemimpin Do'a berjamaah selalu ucapkan Do'a pada awal, Ya ALLAH .. ampunilah segala kekhilafan umat muslim & muslimat (tentunya seluruh dunia), dst.

Anda tahu berapa jumlah muslim & muslimat seluruh dunia? dan bahkan jumlah umat manusi yang meng-esa-kan TUHAN? .. THE POWER OF ATTRACTION akan bermain! 

Sunday, November 15, 2020

#pbQuotes: We know what we are but know not what we may be

#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

#pbQuotes: Nothing is impossible, the world itself says I am possible

#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

#pbQuotes: Perfection is not attainable but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence


#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

#pbQuotes: The successful man will profit from his mistakes and try again in a different way

 #IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

#pbQuotes: Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of freedom


#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

#pbQuotes: Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing

 #IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

#pbQuotes: I have not failed. I've just found 10000 ways that won't work

 #IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

#pbQuotes: Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing

 #IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

#pbQuotes: If a child, a spouse, a life partner, or a parent depends on your income, you need life insurance


#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

by Muhammad Idham Azhari

#pbQuotes: Quality is not an act, it is a habit


#IdhamAzhari #Quotes #LatePost

Friday, November 13, 2020

Program SMART KOMPASS Nusantara 12 Nopember 2002

Berikut tanggapan (resume) by Idham Azhari (Co-founder KOMPASS Nusantara,

Terima kasih Pak Nicho, as usual dipaparkan dgn se-simple mungkin, kereeen TOP 💪💪💪😃😃..

Kompassers Nusantara, seperti yang disampaikan Pak Nicho, konsep REWORK memaksa diri Kita untuk se-simple mungkin menciptakann business model, simpler is better! ..

Dalam keilmuan software development, ada framework "waterfall design" , ini jadul banget, proses berurut , tidak simple , sekarang dgn framework "scrum" , rapid development, scrum ini subset dari agile .. fyi , istilah agile awalnya dari software development .. dst ada agile manufacturing dan banyak agile2 lainnya yg tujuannya adalah gunakan metode se-simple mungkin (dan secepat mungkin) .. begitu pula dgn UX (user experience) design, dgn design yg simple ("flat") dst .. simple pada dasarnya mengarah ke pengalaman pengguna (USER EXPERIENCE).. SIMPLE IS BEAUTIFUL!! ..

Sekali lagi terima kasih banyak Pak Nicho, SEHAT & SUKSES selalu .. BERKAH BERLIMPAH selalu menyertai ..
Aamiin 🤲🤲🤲🙏🙏🙏😊..