Tuesday, October 31, 2017
You're 5 Times More Likely to Land an Interview During this 4 Hour Window
COBIT 5/DMM Practices Pathway Tool Enables More Impactful Data Management and Governance
COBIT 5/DMM Practices Pathway Tool Enables More Impactful Data Management and Governance
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Ask the Headhunter: What employers lose when they take too long to make job offers
Ask the Headhunter: What employers lose when they take too long to make job offers
You read about it every day: Companies complain they face a dire talent or skills shortage. That's why they can't fill important jobs. The people they need just don't exist!
Job seekers know better, and my old friend Andy Lester (author of "Land The Tech Job You Love") shared a story with me that is the more likely explanation for why employers can't fill jobs. Employers shoot themselves in the foot every time they delay making a job offer ..
Credible Risk Assessment Establishes Foundation for an Enterprise Cyber Security Program
Credible Risk Assessment Establishes Foundation for an Enterprise Cyber Security Program
Tips Menjaga Kulit Tetap Sehat Saat Traveling
Tips Menjaga Kulit Tetap Sehat Saat Traveling
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Masalah kulit seringkali terjadi saat kita pergi traveling, seperti kering, terbakar matahari, hingga kehilangan nutrisi. Kondisi itu tentu akan merusak kulit dan menjadikannya kusam.
Nah, sebelum traveling ada baiknya kita memperhatikan perawatan kulit agar terjaga kesehatannya, kata dokter kecantikan, Reisa Broto Asmoro ..
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Career advice: 7 key resume tips from hiring managers
Career advice: 7 key resume tips from hiring managers
7 Tips to Start Taking Product and Lifestyle Photos for Your Small Business Today, According to a Professional Photographer
7 Tips to Start Taking Product and Lifestyle Photos for Your Small Business Today, According to a Professional Photographer
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
If Your Resume Isn't 6-Second Worthy, Studies Reveal Recruiters Will Toss It
Evolving Technology Calls for More Disciplined Approach From Auditors
Evolving Technology Calls for More Disciplined Approach From Auditors
Monday, October 23, 2017
5 reasons to go on a job interview even if you really aren't into the job
Understanding Your Core Values - A Key to an Authentic YOU
I was chatting with a colleague from our legal team, and he made a remark that he was "learned." This is how the legal counselors refer to each other when they're in a jovial mood.
I answered back and said auditors are the most ethical professionals. Although intended as a joke, I believe that, as auditors, we ought to understand our core values in order to provide quality service to our stakeholders. I asked myself what values resonate with being ethical. Before I Googled the values that resonate with acting in an ethical manner, I decided to test myself. I Googled a good resource on what values are and took a journey of discovery. I found a good piece written by MindTools, and then decided to select my top 10 values. The process was iterative, and I had to go through several rounds to come close to what I classified as my top 10 values. At first, I selected more than 10. To narrow the list to 10, I had to deal with the following challenges...
by Idham Azhari
Friday, October 20, 2017
Design Your Career Destiny So It Doesn’t Happen by Default
Design Your Career Destiny So It Doesn't Happen by Default
I was honored to present the keynote session at last week's Women's Forum for the ISACA Chicago Chapter. Here I share a few salient points from the daylong event that will resonate for women (and men) focusing on designing their professional lives so they don't happen by default.
Manage up. Don't assume your boss knows what a rock star you are at work. Your boss is busy doing his or her own job. Unless you are causing a problem, your boss may not notice all the great work you are doing the other 11 months of the year beyond your annual performance review. Send your boss a brief monthly email with a punch list of what you accomplished and your stretch goals. It's a great way to keep your boss informed regularly about your ROI. If you supervise others, be sure to teach them how to manage up to you! ..