Berikut penjelasan dari Si WIKI perihal Microsoft SQL Server.
Microsoft SQL Server is a RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) developed by Microsoft. As a database, it is a software product whose primary function is to store and retrieve data as requested by other software applications, be it those on the same computer or those running the on another computer across a network (including the internet)...
There are at least a dozen different editions of Microsoft SQL Server aimed at different audiences and for different workloads (ranging from small applications that store and retrieve data on the same computer, to millions of users and computers that access huge amounts of data from the internet at the same time). Its primary query languages are T-SQL and ANSI SQL...
Saat ini saya pakai MS-SQL Server 2005 express edition...cukup handal juga untuk skala menengah..kalo mau lebih handal (skala enterprise)...bisa gunakan DB2 atau Oracle...
-Muhammad Idham Azhari-